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Nanjing University

Nanjing University (NJU), established in 1902 in the historic city of Nanjing, has been a cornerstone of higher education in China for over 120 years. As one of the nation’s oldest and most prestigious universities, NJU consistently ranks among the top institutions in China and is recognized globally for its excellence in cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary collaboration aimed at addressing global challenges.  

Nanjing University is particularly renowned for its fundamental research in fields such as astronomy, geology, atmospheric sciences, physics, chemistry, and computer science. In recent years, NJU has launched a university-wide initiative, "AI for Science," with a strong emphasis on "AI Biology," leveraging the university’s expertise in both artificial intelligence and biomedical research.  

The School of Life Sciences at NJU, encompassing nearly every discipline in biology, has become a leading hub for AI Biology in China. The school is dedicated to developing innovative technologies and approaches to tackle fundamental questions in biology, pushing the boundaries of research at the intersection of AI and life sciences. 

School of Life Science, Nanjing University

The School of Life Sciences (SLiS) was established in 1990. However, it was one of the oldest life science research and teaching institutions in China because it was evolved from the agriculture science (founded in 1914) in Jinling University and the biology department (founded in 1920) of Nanjing Advanced Normal College. 

Institute of Artificial Intelligence Biomedicine, Nanjing University

Biophysical Society of China

The Biophysical Society of China (BSC), as a constituent society of the China Association for Science and Technology, is an academic social group organized by Chinese biophysicists of their own will. It aims to advance the development of the biophysics discipline by organizing academic exchange activities, popular science education and publications, as well as to contribute to China's economic growth and to improve science literacy among the general public.

The BSC was founded in November 1979 with approval of the Presidium of China Association for Science and Technology, with the well-known biologist Shizhang Bei serving as its first president and the honorary president for the second-eigth council. The current president is Xu Tao, academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, or CAS, while Liang Dongcai and Rao Zihe, both academicians at the CAS, are honorary presidents. The BSC currently has more than 20,000 members, holding a national biophysical academic conference annually and a general meeting of the council every four years.

The BSC has two academic committees, 38 academic subgroups and 12 working committees. Refer to the branches of the BSC. http://en.bsc.org.cn/2024-11/05/c_109068.htm

It sponsors three academic journals -- Biophysics Reports (current editor: Xu Tao) co-sponsored by the Institute of Biophysics of the CAS, Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics (current editor: He Rongqiao), and the English-language journal Protein & Cell (Editor: Rao Zihe) co-sponsored by the Higher Education Press.

In 2009, the BSC established the Shizhang Bei Award, the highest biophysics honor in China, to honor scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the biophysics sector, as well as an award for excellent young biophysicists. The awards are given every two years.

In July 1984, the BSC officially joined the International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics, also known as IUPAB and successfully hosted the 17th International Biophysical Congress in Beijing in 2011, with around 2,000 people attending. Being chairman of the congress, BSC president Rao Zihe was elected chairman of the IUPAB (2014-2017). In 2015, the BSC hosted the 9th Asian Biophysics Association (ABA) Symposium in Hangzhou, when BSC vice president Yan Xiyun was elected ABA president. In October 2015, with the advocacy and support of the China Association for Science and Technology, the BSC and 17 other societies in the life sciences field jointly established the China Union of Life Science Societies, with BSC president Rao Zihe serving as the first rotating chairman.


A weekly, international journal, publishing papers from any area of science with great potential impact and whose importance extends well beyond the confines of the specific discipline concerned. Nature has the highest impact factor of any journal publishing basic scientific research. Nature also publishes Reviews, as well as a broad range of informal material in the form of Editorials, News and News Features, Correspondence, Opinion, News and Views, Books and Arts, Futures (the award-winning science-fiction series) and NatureJobs (articles on careers and recruitment). The journal also publishes regular supplements, including Insights, Outlooks and Technology Features. Nature publishes much online-only information, including the award-winning daily Nature News, blogs, regular web focuses (collections of topical material, often from the journal’s archive) and other web-only special features.
Nature Biotechnology

Nature Biotechnology is a monthly journal covering the science and business of biotechnology. It publishes new concepts in technology/methodology of relevance to the biological, biomedical, agricultural and environmental sciences as well as covers the commercial, political, ethical, legal, and societal aspects of this research. The first function is fulfilled by the peer-reviewed research section, the second by the expository efforts in the front of the journal. We provide researchers with news about business; we provide the business community with news about research developments.
Nature Communications

Nature Communications is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research from all areas of the natural sciences. Papers published by the journal represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field.
Nature Methods

Nature Methods is a monthly journal publishing novel methods and significant improvements to basic life sciences research techniques. All editorial decisions are made by a team of full-time professional editors.